Female Empowerment Poem

growing heart

Jaine Rose Art: http://www.jainerose.uk/

Honoring Our Cycle is

Honoring our Divine Female Soul.­

Spring Enlivens Us Because

We Embrace the Winter,

The Full Moon Enchants Us Because

We Invite the New Moon to Wash Over Us,

The Light Nurtures Us Because

We Walk Through the Darkness with Grace.

Females who Embrace Life In the Flow of

Their Cyclical Nature,

Walk in Empowerment

With the Natural Beauty of Themselves.

Paula Youmell, RN

♀Moon School

Period Power, Menstrual Magic, Womb Wisdom!

Jaine Rose Sister Moon

Women’s power rests in our ability to create. We create when we conceive and birth children. This same amazing energy gives us the ability to create ideas and birth them to fruition.

Women hold this feminine creative power (intuition, creativity, wisdom) in their menstrual / period cycle. The wisdom of our heads and our lives are mirrored in our womb; the wisdom of our womb is mirrored in our heads. It is a menstrual magic thing!

Learning (re-learning, as this wisdom was always a part of female’s heritage) the wisdom around our monthly menstrual cycle is very empowering. We can harness the specific creative power of where we are in our menstrual cycle to enhance our daily and monthly “tasks” and to plan self-care. Healing the female you are is enhanced when this Moon Cycle Wisdom is re-learned.

The concept of living from the space of your menstrual cycle is ancient. Women are primarily cyclical beings. (Men are primarily linear beings. There is a balance in both genders… it is the Yin/Yang thing, the hot/cold, wet/dry, light/dark thing. Nature IS balanced, when left to her own graces, in everything.) Women gathered in moon lodges and shared the beauty and power of being female. I invite you to re-learn this wisdom as part of your personal healing path.

Join me for the Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training and reawaken your wisdom. You will heal in your heart, your spirit, and your mind-body. I promise you that you will be glad you did!

Learn more about this course, click here: http://www.paulayoumellrn.com/-moon-school/

Fabulous 50 Scholarships 

On Thursday, April 16th, I will turn 50 years old! To celebrate my wisdom and gratitude for 50 fabulous years on this healing path I am giving 5 scholarships to my Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training course for 50 bucks. This is to celebrate the 5 decades of my life. I am throwing in scholarship # 6 for 50 bucks to celebrate the 6th decade I am walking into.

Join me in this course, sign up on April 16th for the scholarship tuition of $50!   BUY HEALING COURSE NOW 

UPDATE: Course Tuition Held at $50 Bucks for 2015 Only!

Fall Renewal of Body, Mind, & Soul!


Fall Renewwww.PaulaYoumellRN.com

Red Tent Summit


My desire to start this blog was inspired by feminine energy and the Red Tent Summit: http://www.deannalam.com/summit-3/

Day one was Brook Medicine Eagle’s words of wisdom around female energy and the red tent, day 2 brought us Susun Weed’s wisdom….

I encourage you to sign up and catch the whole month’s worth of wise women from around the globe sharing their thoughts on life with a red tent in the neighborhood.

I plan to use this blog to share my thoughts and ideas, my wisdom and experience around issues important to women’s health care, real woman centered health care…. women caring for women in matriarchal ways.  As a woman with three decades of experience in women’s holistic health care, I wish to share my wise woman’s ways.  (See my About page.)

BC pills


natural birth control

sacred female energy



Libido or lack of as we age


natural menstrual products and care

herbs for every phase of our feminine energy


natural child birth


whole food feeding kids, self, and family



the list goes on & on…….. May your feminine energy flow and shine like the divine female you are!
