Menstruation & Newsweek!

Newsweek cover, 350x450

DeAnna L’am wrote a fabulous blog post about the Newsweek article on menstruation.

Catch it here, it is a good one!   When Newsweek Met Menstruation by DeAnna L’am

DeAnna L’am – Bio:

Fondly known as ‘Womb Visionary’, DeAnna’s work has been transforming women’s lives around the world for over 25 years. She holds Initiation ceremonies for women and girls, reveals the spiritual forces hidden in Menstruation and Menopause, and teaches women how to hold Red Tents in their communities.

Internationally recognized as a pioneer in Menstrual Empowerment, DeAnna is author of‘Becoming Peers – Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood’ and ‘A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period’. She is founder of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls™ and of Red Tents In Every Neighborhood – Global Movement. Visit her at:

Why You Should Use Organic Menstrual Care Products


Females: Know what you are putting in and on your body. The mucous membranes of the vaginal area are very sensitive and blood rich tissue. This means the blood circulation in this area pulls toxins into your blood stream easily.

Consider using organically grown cotton made pads and tampons, organic cotton reusable pads, sea sponge tampons, moon cup /menstrual cups. I will post sites to learn and possibly purchase from below.


I LOVE my Luna Pad, organic, no dye, reusable pads. It is so easy to remove the top layer liner pad and replace it before you soak through. Which you won’t soak through with Luna pads as they have a soak proof barrier!

Article to read on Roundup toxic pesticide in your menstrual care products:

Products that are clean, chemical free, and most are reusable to prevent more garbage pile up in the world:

  1. Reusable pads and tampons:
  2. Reusable pads and tampons:
  3. Reusable pads and tampons:
  4. Reusable pads and tampons:
  5. Just one brand of menstrual cup:
  6. Sea Sponge reusable tampons:
  7. Disposable organic pads & tampons (great for travel when carrying reusable used menstrual pads is not convenient):


What is a menstrual cup?

Awesome book on natural menstruation and feminine energy; much healing information from many wise women (AND all of the book $$$ goes to supply women in 3rd world countries with safe menstrual care products, how cool is that!?)

eaf77-lilmgxqouennno1w-y10mzn9lbgbngujpxvsj62o9bmrdikccwxyentmporng_oq7yxsffzplpt6i6a3-ghu5n-mpp1ehh-eshvrjlvldkz-c8e3ggaymhpudvk83ylojk4wd_kdbijvt0jdxs4qnzafgrj6_qdro4jzxmrn95gmurm9hwneyohps0-d-e1-f      Check this book out and buy now You will be glad you did… share with all your female friends until the page edges are tattered and torn with love and wisdom sharing!

Want to learn more about your beautiful female self and your connected-ness to the moon and all life?

♀ MOON SCHOOL: An 8 week eCourse for all females no matter where you are in your life cycle. Relearning the beauty of female ways from menarche to Wise Woman Menopausal years. A beautiful way to reclaim your life force power and wisdom as a female.  Click here for more information.

Love & Light to you as we care for self, others, and the planet as a whole living being, Paula

woman hands plant ecology

Moon Time, 2nd Edition is Out. A Book to Read!

The second edition of my book, Moon Time, has LANDED! And until Saturday, there is a FABULOUS LAUNCH BONUS… read on for details… and grab it whilst you can.

Read the whole post here and grab your copy & your FREE gifts from the author, Lucy Pearce.

Female Empowerment Poem

growing heart

Jaine Rose Art:

Honoring Our Cycle is

Honoring our Divine Female Soul.­

Spring Enlivens Us Because

We Embrace the Winter,

The Full Moon Enchants Us Because

We Invite the New Moon to Wash Over Us,

The Light Nurtures Us Because

We Walk Through the Darkness with Grace.

Females who Embrace Life In the Flow of

Their Cyclical Nature,

Walk in Empowerment

With the Natural Beauty of Themselves.

Paula Youmell, RN

♀Moon School

Period Power, Menstrual Magic, Womb Wisdom!

Jaine Rose Sister Moon

Women’s power rests in our ability to create. We create when we conceive and birth children. This same amazing energy gives us the ability to create ideas and birth them to fruition.

Women hold this feminine creative power (intuition, creativity, wisdom) in their menstrual / period cycle. The wisdom of our heads and our lives are mirrored in our womb; the wisdom of our womb is mirrored in our heads. It is a menstrual magic thing!

Learning (re-learning, as this wisdom was always a part of female’s heritage) the wisdom around our monthly menstrual cycle is very empowering. We can harness the specific creative power of where we are in our menstrual cycle to enhance our daily and monthly “tasks” and to plan self-care. Healing the female you are is enhanced when this Moon Cycle Wisdom is re-learned.

The concept of living from the space of your menstrual cycle is ancient. Women are primarily cyclical beings. (Men are primarily linear beings. There is a balance in both genders… it is the Yin/Yang thing, the hot/cold, wet/dry, light/dark thing. Nature IS balanced, when left to her own graces, in everything.) Women gathered in moon lodges and shared the beauty and power of being female. I invite you to re-learn this wisdom as part of your personal healing path.

Join me for the Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training and reawaken your wisdom. You will heal in your heart, your spirit, and your mind-body. I promise you that you will be glad you did!

Learn more about this course, click here:

Fabulous 50 Scholarships 

On Thursday, April 16th, I will turn 50 years old! To celebrate my wisdom and gratitude for 50 fabulous years on this healing path I am giving 5 scholarships to my Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training course for 50 bucks. This is to celebrate the 5 decades of my life. I am throwing in scholarship # 6 for 50 bucks to celebrate the 6th decade I am walking into.

Join me in this course, sign up on April 16th for the scholarship tuition of $50!   BUY HEALING COURSE NOW 

UPDATE: Course Tuition Held at $50 Bucks for 2015 Only!

Wild Yam at Nature’s Storehouse, Canton, NY

wild yam

I have praised the virtues of wild yam for menstrual and hormonal health in many blog posts: (this is just 2 of the posts, click the titles to go to the links)

Wild Yam… A Gal’s Best Friend!

Got Heavy Bleeding? Get Wild Yam!

I always recommend Living Earth Wild Yam as it is sold for birth control. It has to be high quality wild yam or it will not work and Living Earth will be out of business. It is a good company to trust.

Living Earth Wild Yam is now available at Nature’s Storehouse in Canton, NY. If you are local and use wild yam it is handy to buy now. If you want to try wild yam to reduce menstrual bleeding, you can do so easily now.

As with any health and healing concern, check with a healer to see if you need other herbs and lifestyle changes to help heal your body.

With heavy bleeding there are many other changes you can make to accentuate the wild yam being effective at reducing estrogen dominance symptoms.

Give me a shout if you need help, locally or via long distance consulting. Cheers!

The Case of the Missing Keeper

Anybody seen this item? Any idea of it’s whereabouts?

I am a day or so from my monthly cycle and all excited to use my brand new Luna Pads and Glad Rags. I head to the bathroom to gather up all my new, organic, cloth pads and have them ready for the big event.

I decide to put my Keeper with them so everything is handy. My keeper is my favorite menstrual collection product.

After 15 1/2 years… I can’t find the keeper!  This is making me crazy as I tore both the bathroom and closet apart searching for my ‘lil brown Keeper.

I am giving up, leaving this to fate… my fate is to rely solely on the Glad Rags and Luna Pads. (I confess. I put my sea sponge tampon in the bag of cloth pads. I have to be ready in case the weather decides to take a turn back to summer. So many lakes and rivers to swim!

My dilemma:  Do I buy another Keeper? Can I live without a Keeper.

Ridiculous thought… I am heading over to the Keeper site, biting the bullet, and buying a new one. I just know it will not arrive in time!          : (

Woman’s Wisdom

full moon lodge

In Native American – Wise Woman tradition there is a philosophy, saying, that when a girl starts her moon cycles she meets her wisdom.

As a woman walks through life experiencing and embracing her womanhood, her moon cycles, she is practicing her wisdom.

When a woman transitions out of her monthly moon cycles, she becomes her wisdom.

What a beautiful way to initiate young girls into the mysteries of womanhood, embracing the very energy and cycles that make her uniquely a woman and her own true self.

What a way to remind woman of the divine aspect of their moon cycles, of their feminine being, the ebb and flow of their life in harmony with nature’s cycles (we are nature).

Wherever you are in your moon cycles: beginning flow of teen years into bleeding time womanhood and beyond, use your moon cycles to your best advantage. Recognize the power you have in the early, building, phase of your cycle. Feel your heightened intuition in the few days preceding blood flow. Acknowledge your need to relax and be quiet as you move into the blood flow days of your moon cycle. Use your wisdom “wisely” as you thrive in the moon free, blood free, years of your life.

What might this awareness look like to you?

During the first half of your cycle (end of bleeding to ovulation): say “yes” more often to the “new” opportunities, to people and gatherings, and to meetings and new projects.

During the second half of your cycle (ovulation to next new bleed): say  ”no” more often, focusing more on the “now.”   Use this time to  bring projects and events to completion. Learn to  prioritize what really needs your attention and nurturing.

Protect your alone time, your downtime, as you move into bleeding.  Relax and increase your favorite self-care treatments.  Get a massage or acupuncture treatment.  Learn reflexology and acupressure.  Use these techniques to do home self-care:  gently massage areas that need healing touch.  Treat yourself to a home “spa” day.

Share your feminine wisdom with your daughters, friends, neighbors, grand daughters… make the path for the younger women easier and more sacred than what you may have experienced.

Being female is an amazing gift. We are the creators. Revel in your divine feminine being, nurture her.

moon lodge


PS If you are raising sons, teach them the wise women ways. Think how harmonious male-female relationships could be when we all understand, remember, wise woman ways!