You are Not the Stream…

This is an amazingly insightful post by Lucy Pearce of Dreaming Aloud


You are Not the Stream: Notes from a Drowning Woman

1-8-04_08_2012 Unfurling 9_39

I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
Stevie Smith

Lightbulb moment!

Brace yourselves…

The purpose of meditation, she says, after 23 years of sporadic practice in a number of different traditions, is this…


Let me explain…

It came to me very clearly, visually, as these things tend to…

Keep reading (you will be glad you did!) by going over to Lucy’s blog, click here

Fall Renewal of Body, Mind, & Soul!



Healing Symbols, Healing Energy, Healing Arts


healing symbols

Over many years of my life, many… I have exposed myself to, delved into, and learned many healing art philosophies:

  • Holistic Healing
  • Vitalist
  • Herbalist – Plant Spirit Medicine
  • Reiki, Hands On Healing Energies
  • Acupressure
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Native American
  • Wiccan – Pagan

I am always amazed and placed into a space of awe at how they all come back to the same principles: Love; seeing, sharing, and honoring the Divine in oneself and all life.

When we honor this and realize that we are really more alike than we are different, when we honor these paths in their true forms, we can walk together on this beautiful Earth in peace and harmony.

And truly, if we stepped back into the roots of religion, to its pure and loving origins… you will find the same underlying current of love and honoring the divine in all life.

May you honor the Divine in you and all life!


FREE Health Seminar: Radiantly YOU!

Do You Want Your Radiance Back, Your Zest For Life?

If you know anything about me, you know my work is about helping women feel RADIANT and Vibrant with amazing whole health!

That’s why I’m super excited to let you know that I’ll be a featured guest on an upcoming telesummit that specializes in rekindling our own radiance. 

The Radiantly You Telesummit gets underway on September 8. Leading women’s wellness coaches, healers, nutritionists, guides, high priestesses, and dream strategists from all over the world are coming together to share our work in being radiantly YOU: rekindling your vibrancy, health, and joy. This is going to be one of those special healing events!

You can register for this fun and free virtual event by hopping over to my Paula Youmell RN website. While there, sign up for my health & healing newsletter… I promise to inspire vibrant, radiant health! 

So if you’re feeling a little run down…
If you know there is a brighter, happier you desperate to shine out…
If you want to live on purpose and in joy MORE…
Or even if you’d just love to be re-inspired by women who are walking the Radiance talk

You are going to love this summit.

Registration for the Radiantly YOU Telesummit is free and easy, AND by registering you’ll also be able to access loads of free gifts from me and Amy’s other guests, including quizzes, e-books, and more.

Register here.
I’m really excited about this event. Come and be RADIANT with us!

To your vibrant, radiant health… always!  Paula

Healing the Female Reproductive Tract

Got PMS, heavy bleeding, infertility, PCOS, and a host of other female reproductive tract ills?  Whole foods and herbs to the rescue…. read on Divine Females!

whole foods

Healing the female reproductive tract starts by healing the whole body.  Healing happens through feeding the body, mind, and spirit with “whole” life style choices.  This means foods, activities, thoughts, energy, people we connect with…

Healing needs to happen in mind and soul for healing to happen in the physical body. As a Holistic Healer and Health Coach, I love to start the healing process, working with people, around their food choices and moving them towards a whole foods mindset and lifestyle.  Through whole food education a connection develops between myself and my clients.  We base our healing around the foods they currently eat and the foods they need to transition into eating for their physical healing to happen.  This connection through education opens the door to heart, mind, and spirit so we can work on their whole person – holistic healing!

So let’s start with whole foods and their impact on the human physical body: Whole food eating means feeding our bodies the way nature intended.  This means eating foods in their natural state, as close to the perfectly “whole” state in which nature provides them.  This also means following the natural growing seasons and eating more foods that are locally grown and produced.  Organically grown is always a good option as well.

Your body’s cells depend on the food you eat to reproduce, repair, and thrive.  Whole food makes ‘whole, healthy’ cells.  Processed, refined package foods, and junk fast foods (think Supersize Me, a documentary movie on the ills of fast food eating & living) create cells that are degenerated, and less healthy than the original parents cell.  A lifetime of non-whole food eating and your cells have progressively degenerated many, many, many times.  This is degenerative disease.

Body cells make body tissues and tissues form body organs.  The body organs form organ systems.  All the organ systems together create an organism, YOU!  Cellular biology depends 100% on the food you eat.  Your tissues, organs, organ systems, YOU (the organism) can only be as healthy and whole as the foods you eat.

Whole food nutrition is eating in balance, which in turn keeps the body in balance.  Foods grown naturally develop with the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats intended for that particular food.  They contain balanced vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. This natural balance for each food ensures that the body can properly use the nutrients to balance and heal every body cell. Foods that have been refined or processed (parts of them removed or altered) or enriched/fortified (things added) upset this natural balance in foods and will do the same in your body and to your body’s cells.

The effects of moving away from whole foods and towards refined, processed, and convenience foods are very prevalent in our society.  The cancer, cardiovascular, bone, teeth, weight, and many other health problems are directly related to this change to our “modern” diet. Traditional societies, who still eat whole foods, do not suffer from these health problems.  As a society, we spend much time looking for cures.  The cure is most often in the prevention.  The best start is to return to whole food principles of eating and healing  every body cell.  Whole, healed body cells equal a whole, healed body.

“Men dig their graves with their own teeth and die more by those fated instruments than all the weapons of their enemies.”  – Thomas Moffett, 1600 AD    

“The cure is the same as the prevention.  Let food be thy medicine.”  – Hippocrates  

On a very simple level, anyone can tell that a baked or steamed, whole potato is more nutritious than potato chips.  Use that thought process with any food choice.  Ask yourself, “How close is this food to its natural, whole state?”  This question makes it very obvious what should be included in our daily fare.

The following grouping of whole foods will get you started on a whole food nutrition concept.

Whole food eating guide

VEGGIES:  Buy fresh, seasonal produce (better yet, grow as much as you can of your own or visit farmers who grow it for you, and eat it as whole as possible: raw or very lightly steamed.  Lightly steamed means veggies should retain their color and crisp texture, 2-3 minutes for small veggies & greens, slightly more time for larger veggies. Soups and stews in winter are longer, slower cooked foods to nourish you in cold weather.

FRUIT:  Same idea as the veggies but raw is best, in my eyes.  Dried, frozen & canned local fruit is good during off-season.  Eat dried fruit in moderation.  It is a concentrated sugar source.  Fruit juices are merely liquid sugar, best avoided and eat the whole fruit instead.

BEANS & LEGUMES: Fresh, in season is best; very good raw & some lightly steamed.  Dried beans, in the off season, are a nutritious source of protein, vitamins & minerals. It is an enjoyable art form learning how to cook and create meals with them: soups, dips, sandwich spreads, casseroles, bean milks, bean burgers & loafs, hearty additions to breads/muffins/cookies…the list is inexhaustible!  Try sprouting for added nutrition.

GRAINS: Learn to cook & enjoy whole grains: oats, rye, millet, rice, wheat berries, barley, quinoa, spelt, corn, amaranth…this is just a partial list.  They can all be cooked and eaten like rice, enjoyed cold in salads, hot in soups/casseroles/pilafs or as tasty hot cereals or leftovers as cold cereal (mix with plain yogurt, nuts & seeds, cinnamon, vanilla).   Whole grain kernels are best.  When choosing flour & flour products (breads, pastas, pastries, cookies & baked goods) make certain that all flours used in the products are 100% whole grains, not refined/bleached/enriched/unbleached etc.  Better yet, make your own flour products.  That way you are in total control of all ingredients being whole foods.  Grains are easy to grind into flour in a high quality blender or grinder made for this purpose.

PCOS, PMS, etc.?  Keep the beans and grains to a minimum, perhaps not at all until your body heals.  Get rid of 100% of the refined foods in your diet, simple carbohydrates, and sugar.  your body will heal!

NUTS & SEEDS: Whole & raw is best.  Raw nut butters are a delicious and fun alternative (raw peanuts & peanut butter are not recommended, eat both roasted, peanuts are actually legumes/beans). Nuts & seeds are a good source of healthy fat; just remember to eat in moderation.   Nuts like almonds, hazelnuts and coconut can also be ground into flour and used to replace grain flours.  Many people do better, health and weight wise, keeping the grains to a minimum in their diet.  Grains are used to fatten cattle and livestock – need I say more?

FATS & OILS:  Your healthiest option is fats from whole foods, not oils.  All of the above whole foods contain varying amounts of fat.  The foods listed below contain high percentages of healthy fat and should be eaten in moderation.

Getting healthy fat from whole foods means making choices like these:

  • Sesame seeds or tahini over sesame oil
  • Almonds or almond butter over almond oil
  • Olives over olive oil
  • Flax seeds over flax seed oil
  • Avocados over avocado oil
  • Soybeans/tofu/tempeh over soy oil (use soy in extreme moderation and only from an organic, non-GMO source.)

When you choose to consume oils, make certain you are buying high quality cold pressed oils, not refined, chemically extracted oils.  Most supermarket oils are poor quality and chemically extracted.  Most are also cheap poly-unsaturated fats that seriously disturb the “fat” health of your body.  Naturally, cold pressed is more expensive, but remember your health is worth it. Think preventative maintenance!   Best bets for cooking oils are sesame oil and coconut oil. Lard, from pasture raised animals and home rendered is awesome for cooking. (Remember how Gramma always had that metal pot of pork lard on the stove? My gram did and my mom too until the US Gov. started telling us that pork fat, saturated fat was unhealthy.  I will eat my butter and lard, from healthy animals, over factory made cheap and unhealthy vegetable oils, thank you very much!) Use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings and splashing on veggies.  I prefer butter from grass-fed cows for cooking, baking, and eating on foods (or eating off a spoon, a large spoon)!

FISH:  Naturally raised (This means fish-eating their natural foods, not being fed grains. Fish do not eat grains in their natural setting!) and wild caught fish are the best health bets.  Avoid fish raised in fish farms.  Fish raised in farms are often fed unnatural diets and given antibiotics to combat diseases acquired from living in close quarters and unnatural conditions (much like factory farm raised animals).  Fish are good sources of healthy fats, if they are natural fish.

ANIMAL PRODUCTS:  Including meats, poultry, eggs, milk & dairy products.  Buy products from animals fed naturally and free range raised. Organically, free range raised is even better.  Example:  cows who graze & eat natural grasses, not fed grains.  Natural lifestyles ensure animal products that are high in health promoting omega 3 oils.  If fish can develop a personal healthy fat ratio by eating their natural diet, other animals do too (Humans included).  Fish do not have some magical ability that no other creäture on this planet was endowed with!

Humans, eating their natural diet, live and thrive disease free!

PACKAGED FOODS:  Every ingredient should be whole and natural.  If not, put it back on the shelf and walk away with your cellular health intact.

Planning your diets with these whole food principles in mind will create health, lifetime wellness and prevent lifestyle diseases.

REMEMBERThere is not one diet prescription that works for everyone.  Individuals thrive on different percentages of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.  Using a whole food diet, discover what works for you and live it.  Example, some people thrive by removing all grains from their diets.  Keep in mind your nutritional needs may change with the changing seasons of the year and your life.

Female Reproductive Tract: So, relating this all back to healing the female reproductive tract… what heals the body cells, heals the whole body’s cells.  All cells, no matter the organ system they are part of, respond to whole food eating and heal.

Males?  This goes for the guys as well!  Healing the body heals the male reproductive tract.

Go ahead, dive into what it means to eat whole and re-create your eating habits, your health, and your life!

Blessings to all.

Herbs are Healing, Whole Foods for Your Reproductive Tract

Herbs are Healing, Whole Foods for Your Reproductive Tract

Herbs are amazing, healing tools because herbs are whole foods. Whole foods nourish each and every cell in your body.

Whole food eating means feeding our bodies the way nature intended. This means eating foods in their natural state, as close to the perfectly “whole” state in which nature provides them. This also means following the natural growing seasons and eating more foods that are locally grown and produced, in season. Whole food nutrition is eating in balance, which in turn keeps the body in balance. Foods grown naturally develop with the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats intended for that particular food. They contain balanced vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. This natural balance for each food ensures that the body can properly utilize the nutrients.

The effects of moving away from our whole food diet and eating a refined, processed, and convenience food diet are very prevalent in our society. (Ask me for my educational handout titled Whole Food Eating for an easy introduction to healing body cells with whole food nutrition,

One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedents of

chemical therapy over nutrition. It is substitution of artificial

therapy over natural, of poison over food, in which we are feeding people

poison trying to correct the reactions of starvation.                

Dr. Royal Lee

As a culture, we have created the same scenario with our healing medicines, including those for healing the female body. We have moved away from whole, natural medicines to the processed, refined, factory made pharmaceuticals that upset balance in the human body. Just as refined, factory made food products upset the body’s natural balance.

Herbs, whether ingested as a medicinal infusion, taken as a tincture or in any other form of herbal medicine, are whole foods. The nutrients in the herbs: vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and the nutrients yet to be discovered, are utilized by the body cells to cleanse, nourish, and heal each and every body cell.

Herbs specific for the female reproductive tract are nourishing to the reproductive organ’s cells. So often we get the message from main stream media and medicine: Do NOT use herbs as they are potentially dangerous. This is as crazy as saying that eating beets, apples, or any other natural, whole food is potentially dangerous.

When we eat a beet, an apple, some broccoli, or any whole food, our body digests and absorbs the nutrients in the whole food to nourish our cellular health. The same process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients happens with herbs. Herbs are whole food; herbs are healing medicine.

Herbs are plants (leaf, root, stems, bark, berries, seeds), like a beet or an apple, that have nutritional and healing properties with affinities for certain tissues.

Herbs for female health are many and each has its own healing purpose. Used in combination, they create powerful healing energy in the female body.

Some excellent female healing herbs are:

• Stinging nettles

• Red raspberry leaf

• Wild yam

• Chaste tree berry

• Motherwort

• Red clover flower

• False unicorn root

• Passion flower

• Don quai root

• Wild carrot

• Ginger

• Blue and Black cohosh

• Squaw vine

• Black haw

• Yarrow

• Pennyroyal

• Mugwort

• Partridge vine

These herbs balance female hormones, tone and heal the female organs, and add nutrients to every cell in your body.

A simple healing tea I used to make for my roommate, many years ago before I had become a certified herbalist, to ease her menstrual cramps: chamomile tea with 30 drops of black or blue cohosh tincture. When she moved into her own apartment, just up the street, she would call me every month and ask me to bring her a jar of this cramp relief tea.

For specifics on which herbs to use for your personal needs, contact an herbalist in your area. In the Potsdam, NY area? Give me a shout.

Herbs for healing other organs: (Just to remind you how amazing herbs really are!)

• Saw palmetto for the prostate

• Hawthorne berry for the heart

• Rhubarb root for the colon

• Milk thistle for the liver

• Nettle as a general nutritive herb (Yes, I truly love nettles!)

• Dandelion and burdock root for liver cleansing and nourishment

The list of herbs and the cells / organs they nourish goes on and on. These are just a very few example of herbs and the cells / organ they have affinities to nourish and promote healing. This healing action happens because the herb adds whole food nutrition to your body cells. This is the same thing a beet does; feeds your body cells.


Stinging nettles are my favorite herb! Nettles are a power house of nutrition and healing energy for the whole body. I add nettles to every combination herbal formula I create. Use nettles in your female healing remedies!

With that said, I recommend you read up on the herb you want to ingest for its nourishing, medicinal abilities. Learn about the herb and its healing affinities before you make the decision to take it. Contact your local herbalist for help in choosing the right herb or blend of herbs to add to your whole food dietary plan to promote personal health and healing.

Words from a happy client that demonstrates my point about herbs and whole body healing; that body cells are nourished by ingesting herbs:

Thanks Paula. The herbs you recommended for my peri-menopausal symptoms

have really helped.  No more migraines, moodiness, or horrible night sweats.

After years of challenging health symptoms, I am very happy to be healing

with whole foods, including female healing herbs.

Sherry B.

Herbs are whole foods. Use them wisely for healing your female energy and whole body healing.

Blessings of health, Paula

red clover        red rasp

Red clover flower and Red raspberry leave, combined with my favorite herb:  Stinging nettles, are the three herbs I recommend for a fertility infusion to drink daily.

Healing Herbs for Females

Herbs are Healing Whole Foods for Your Reproductive Tract

Herbs are amazing, healing tools because herbs are whole foods.  Whole foods nourish each and every cell in your body. 

Whole food eating means feeding our bodies the way nature intended.  This means eating foods in their natural state, as close to the perfectly “whole” state in which nature provides them.  This also means following the natural growing seasons and eating more foods that are locally grown and produced, in season. Whole food nutrition is eating in balance, which in turn keeps the body in balance.  Foods grown naturally develop with the right proportion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats intended for that particular food.  They contain balanced vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and enzymes. This natural balance for each food ensures that the body can properly utilize the nutrients.

The effects of moving away from our whole food diet and eating a refined, processed, and convenience food diet are very prevalent in our society.  (Ask me for my educational handout titled Whole Food Eating for an easy introduction to healing body cells with whole food nutrition,

One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedents of chemical therapy over nutrition.  It is substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poison over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation.    Dr. Royal Lee

 As a culture, we have created the same scenario with our healing medicines, including those for healing the female body.  We have moved away from whole, natural medicines to the processed, refined, factory made pharmaceuticals that upset balance in the human body.  Just as refined, factory made food products upset the body’s natural balance.

Herbs, whether ingested as a medicinal infusion, taken as a tincture or in any other form of herbal medicine, are whole foods.  The nutrients in the herbs: vitamins, minerals, phyto-nutrients, and the nutrients yet to be discovered, are utilized by the body cells to cleanse, nourish, and heal each and every body cell.  Herbs specific for the female reproductive tract are nourishing to the reproductive organ’s cells.

So often we get the message from main stream media and medicine:  Do NOT use herbs as they are potentially dangerous.  This is as crazy as saying that eating beets, apples, or any other natural, whole food is potentially dangerous.

When we eat a beet, an apple, some broccoli, or any whole food, our body digests and absorbs the nutrients in the whole food to nourish our cellular health.  The same process of digestion and assimilation of nutrients happens with herbs.  Herbs are whole food; herbs are healing medicine.

Herbs are plants (leaf, root, stems, bark, berries, seeds), like a beet or an apple, that have nutritional and healing properties with affinities for certain tissues.

Herbs for female health are many and each has its own healing purpose.  Used in combination, they create powerful healing energy in the female body.

Some excellent female healing herbs are:

  • Stinging nettles
  • Red raspberry leaf
  • Wild yam
  • Chaste tree berry
  • Motherwort
  • Red clover flower
  • False unicorn root
  • Passion flower
  • Don quai root
  • Wild carrot
  • Ginger
  • Blue and Black cohosh
  • Squaw vine
  • Black haw
  • Yarrow
  • Pennyroyal
  • Mugwort
  • Partridge vine

These herbs balance female hormones, tone and heal the female organs, and add nutrients to every cell in your body.

A simple healing tea I used to make for my roommate, many years ago before I had become a certified herbalist, to ease her menstrual cramps:  chamomile tea with 30 drops of black or blue cohosh tincture.  When she moved into her own apartment, just up the street, she would call me every month and ask me to bring her a jar of this cramp relief tea.

For specifics on which herbs to use for your personal needs, contact an herbalist in your area.  In the Potsdam, NY area?  Give me a shout.

Herbs for healing other organs: (Just to remind you how amazing herbs really are!)

  • Saw palmetto for the prostate
  • Hawthorne berry for the heart
  • Rhubarb root for the colon
  • Milk thistle for the liver
  • Nettle as a general nutritive herb (Yes, I truly love nettles!)
  • Dandelion and burdock root for liver cleansing and nourishment

The list of herbs and the cells / organs they nourish goes on and on.  These are just a very few example of herbs and the cells / organ they have affinities to nourish and promote healing. This healing action happens because the herb adds whole food nutrition to your body cells.  This is the same thing a beet does; feeds your body cells.


Stinging nettles are my favorite herb!  Nettles are a power house of nutrition and healing energy for the whole body.  I add nettles to every combination herbal formula I create. Use nettles in your female healing remedies!

With that said, I recommend you read up on the herb you want to ingest for its nourishing, medicinal abilities.  Learn about the herb and its healing affinities before you make the decision to take it.  Contact your local herbalist for help in choosing the right herb or blend of herbs to add to your whole food dietary plan to promote personal health and healing.

Words from a happy client that demonstrates my point about herbs and whole body healing; that body cells are nourished by ingesting herbs:

Thanks Paula! The herbs you recommended for my peri-menopausal symptoms have really helped! No more migraines, moodiness, or horrible night sweats. After years of challenging health symptoms, I am very happy to be healing with whole foods, including female healing herbs.  Sherry B.

Herbs are whole foods.  Use them wisely for healing your female energy and whole body healing.  Blessings of health, Paula

clover      red rasp

Red clover flower and Red raspberry leave, combined with my favorite herb: Stinging nettles, are the three herbs I recommend for a fertility infusion to drink daily.