Sweetening the Pill… a documentary about hormonal birth control

Sweetening the Pill – a documentary by Abby Epstein and Ricki Lake

sweet pill

Filmmakers Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein will investigate our current and future choices for contraception in this feature documentary.

DONATE TODAY TO THIS GREAT DOCUMENTARY PROJECT: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/92756815/sweetening-the-pill-a-documentary

About this project

The Guardian recently did an Op-Ed piece on Erika Langhart’s heartbreaking death and shared a short video from Sweetening the Pill footage.

Indie Wire also shared Sweetening the Pill as a Noteworthy Women-Centric Crowdfunding Project to follow. We think so too!

The Wrap released an interview with filmmakers Ricki Lake and Abby Epstein as well as author Holly Grigg Spall on the impact they hope to make with this film.

Is this what your birth control will look like in the 21st century?

DONATE TODAY TO THIS GREAT DOCUMENTARY PROJECT https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/92756815/sweetening-the-pill-a-documentary

Fertility Awareness Info from a Wise Healing Woman!

The Difference Between Birth Control and Fertility Awareness

Guest Post by Kara Marie Ananda


There is a difference between “birth control” and “fertility awareness”. When you are acting in the effort of trying to control an external outcome that you are wishing to prevent, you are giving a lot of negative energy toward that outcome. In the practice of controlling the outcome of birth, the result is a highly controlled birth experience in the medical world with 99% of babies being born in hospitals and women experiencing epidemics of c-sections and inductions. Two-thirds of teenage girls in the US are on birth control pills, thus beginning their education and knowledge of their menstrual and fertility cycles learning to be submissive, controlled, and dependent upon the pharmaceutical companies and medical doctors, who then monopolize the subsequent cycles of bleeding, fertility, pregnancy, birth, and menopause.

Read more here.

Wise words from: Kara Maria Ananda is a women’s empowerment coach helping women to create Feminine Freedom businesses and lifestyles. She integrates 17 years of experience as a healing arts entrepreneur into her work creating and facilitating leadership programs and coaching for women entrepreneurs globally specializing in women’s health, birth, holistic business, leadership and social media.

Kara Maria Ananda, Women's Empowerment Coach

Looking For: Females who have used Wild Yam for Birth Control

Hello Ladies,

I am searching out women who have used wild yam for birth control.

I am curious around both success stories and not so successful stories.

I am gathering information to potentially rewrite the booklet for the publishing company:

wild yam


If interested and used Wild Yam for birth control, email me at pyoumell@gmail.com

Thanks and herbal healing blessings to you!

PS  If looking to use wild yam, I suggest this company:  Living Earth.  The product is the correct species of wild yam , the correct dosage, and a reputable company who sells the wild yam for the specific purpose of birth control.  wild yam

No, it is not my company.  I live on the East Coast, this company is on the West Coast, USA!     happy face

Got Heavy Bleeding? Get Wild Yam!

Got Heavy Bleeding?  Get Wild Yam!

Heavy bleeding, menorrhagia, is common in early menstruating years, in peri-menopause, and at times when hormones are fluctuating and unbalanced.

(There are a whole host of medical problems that can precipitate menorrhagia but I will stick to simple, hormonal imbalances here.)

Western medicine’s answer to the problem is to regulate a females cycle using synthetic hormones.  Often times this means prescribing birth control pills to teenagers (women of all ages, really) to regulate their cycles.  A teen’s body just started to function in a menstruating way; do we really expect it to function perfectly from the beginning? Should we not let her body settle into what will be normal for her?

When menstrual symptoms persist, I urge females to turn to nature for help.

Getting to the root causes of a female’s heavy bleeding, not covering it up with a synthetic hormone prescription, supports the whole body’s health and healing.

Actions to take:

1.  100% whole food diet – When we feed our bodies whole food, as nature gave them to us, our bodies respond with vibrant health.  This means all physiological processes function as they were meant to.  This means balanced hormonal health and reproductive cycles.

2.  Outdoor exercise, fresh air, and natural light – all three are essential for the optimum function of your body.  Go now: get your boots, sneakers, or flip flops on (depending on where you live on this beautiful planet) and get outside.  Your ovaries, your whole body, will thank you.  Get natural sun light and moon light.  Natural light regulates your hormones.  Nature is amazing.  You are nature.

3.  Sleep – Your body functions best with plenty of sleep, preferably before 10 PM.  This ensures the best natural rhythms of the body.  Human body rhythms follow nature’s rhythms because we are nature.

4. A balanced body weight for you. This means taking into consideration your body size, shape, bone structure, etc.  Adipose tissue produces estrogen and can contribute to hormone imbalances and estrogen dominance, in women. Maintaining a healthy body weight / body composition supports the female body from having heavy menstural flow.

5. Herbs:  There are many herbs that work to balance the female reproductive organs, hormones, cycle… Herbs are food that feed the body cells, nourish your whole body, mind, and soul.  You can take herbs in multi-herb formulas or in single herb healing medicines, depending on what you are trying to nourish and heal.

Remember, herbs are food.  Using herbs is akin to eating fruits and vegetables. Ask a certified herbalist for help finding the formula best suited to your reproductive needs.

I use wild yam, in varying doses to match the natural female cycle and the rising & falling of progesterone, to prevent the gushing bleeding of peri-menopause. Again, wild yam works like a charm.
My menstrual flow is very light (mini pad) except for about 12 hours of moderately light flow and it lasts about 48 hours, sometimes 2 1/2 days.  I was doing the “gush thing” that soaked through pads, clothes, coats, onto car seats, etc.  There were huge clots everywhere.  I am glad to have ended that issue with herbs… wild yam.
The female hormonal cycles:
female cycle
Wild Yam has also ended my monthly, hormonal-shift migraines. These migraines can happen to women when the estrogen or progesterone levels drop during the monthly cycle.  While this is a normal hormonal drop (see cycle chart above), as hormones do not stay at the same level all month, in some women this shift in hormones can trigger migraines.  Those “beautiful” menopausal years migraines plagued me until I figured out it was an estrogen dominance issue.  Wild Yam to my rescue.
Years ago, I used wild yam as my birth control.  Again, it worked like a charm.
I would recommend you do not use just any wild yam off the store shelves, use Living Earth’s product, and ask for help from a knowlegeable practitioner to know what you are doing with herbs and understanding your body’s fertility cycle.  See below.  AND, read the booklet to know how to take it properly for birth control.  Again, need help, ask.
Below are 2 booklets (The first two are booklets and yes, I have copies of all) and 1 full size book on Wild Yam.  This is good reading to learn the wonders of natural healing; taking self-responsibility for the health of your body.

wild yam books


The below company, Living Earth, is the one I have used, personally and for client’s health and healing needs.  I trust this company and their product. Click on image below to visit the company that offers this female balancing herb. Need help, ask.

Blessing of good health, Paula

                                                                  wild yam               Green Bush Natural Products            

Hormonal Birth Control….

Hormonal Birth Control….get your facts straight and then you decide if it is worth the risk


I confess, I have always been very wary of  hormonal birth control.  When I was a teen (ok, so it was years ago, don’t rub it in!) I intuitively knew that putting synthetic hormones into my body to stop ovulation was not a good idea.  Yeah, yeah, I get the whole freedom around sex thing, not worrying about getting pregnant, etc.  However, I also knew there was a price to pay for this “freedom.”

Enter me at 21 years of age and bleeding for 1 month straight.  Doctor tells me I need birth control pills to “regulate” my cycle.  Now I knew this was bullshit.  Fake hormones can not regulate one’s cycle.  They can and will stop your normal, female, hormonal cycle and replace it with a synthetic hormonally induced one.  That just seemed wrong to me. Messing with Mother Nature always has repercussions!

So, in my somewhat naïve, young state… I let this modern, medicine man convince me it was the best thing for my health.  He kept telling me the pill was good for me, lessened my chance of breast cancer, and all these other female cancers and ills. Despite me not believing this information to be true, I agreed to take them.


Looking back, what was I thinking?  First of all, if my bleeding for 1 month was a cancer issue, the pill was not going to fix it / heal it!  And, it would have only made it worse.  But I caved and took the damned ortho-nuvum 7/7/7 triphasic pills.  Less than a year later I started getting wicked migraines.  I called this man, this wise OB/GYN MD at his home, and told him what was happening to me. (Now keep in mind, I had worked for this MD in his OB/GYN practice, loved the man!)  He told me: “Stop taking them right now or you are going to have a stroke!”

Wow, take them, they are so good for you…. now STOP because this good for you hormonal pill is now going to make your brain have an infarction!  I stopped and never looked back!

I have since worked in OB/GYN, Maternal-Child Health, and Health Education for 27 – 28 years (See, I told you it has been a while since I was a teen!).  I have advised young women to leave hormonal birth control alone, out of their lives, find some less toxic way to prevent pregnancy.

50%, or more, of teens I worked with in public schools would tell me they had been put on birth control to regulate their cycles. Seriously? Who exactly thinks this is a good idea?  The pharmaceutical companies?

We are back to the fact that these hormones stop a female’s cycle.  A teen’s body has not self-regulated her cycle yet, she just started having periods!  Let her body take its time to mature and get into its own rhythm!

Or, how about this thought, figure out the cause of her off beat cycles and correct it (If it actually needs correction).  Don’t just cover up the symptom (irregular cycle) with fake hormones that are doing absolutely nothing to correct the symptom.  Maybe she needs some whole food nutrition and healthy lifestyle education.  When we care of the body in a natural way our beautiful female cycle hums along like magic.

So onward we go…

The hormonal methods are now quite numbered:  pills, IUDs with hormones, shots in the butt every three months (Depo-Provera), rings to wrap around your cervix (No, this is not jewelry!  It is Nuvaring), implants into the fatty tissues of your arm (Implanon or Nexplanon), a patch (Hey, like nicotine withdrawal patches… does one withdraw from sex?  Just curious… Ok, it is called Ortho Evra, kind of like Elvira… mistress of the dark!), and the ominous morning after pill.

Ladies, they are all the same thing, hormones that stop (Yes, stop) your normal female cycle, the cycle nature gave your body to express the beauty of you as a woman.  Any cycle you have on fake hormones is merely a hormonally induced one; not your body working naturally anymore, but the fake hormones creating a synthetic hormonal cycle.  The hormones fool your body into thinking it is pregnant.  Then when you stop your pills for 7 days (or take the sugar ones) you have withdrawal bleeding.  On other hormonal methods, like the shot and implants, there is not a seven day break from the synthetic hormones.  You more than likely won’t bleed every 28 days.  You may have bleeding at random times; this is your body trying to do what nature intended it to do: bleed from the uterus.

Problems caused by synthetic female hormones in your system: high blood pressure, depression, headaches, weight gain, severe moodiness, lack of sex drive (I love this one.  Women are using them to make sex more fun, more free, and they decrease sex drive… hmmm.), nausea and vomiting (remember they fake your body into thinking it is pregnant; this is fake morning sickness.), and short-term as well as lifetime infertility (That means your body loses its ability to conceive).

And they have a failure rate; that’s right, you can get pregnant despite taking them correctly.

OK, there is more problems, that may be fatal in very rare cases, include heart attack, stroke, having a blood clot in the legs – lungs -heart – or brain, or developing high blood pressure, liver tumors, gallstones, or yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice).

The “expert” advice is that these synthetic hormones do not raise the risk of breast cancer.  Frankly, thinking about female physiology from a point of common sense, this “no cancer risk” makes no sense to me.  My guess, based upon my knowledge of female physiology and hormones, is they would raise the risk of breast cancer as well as other female cancers.  They are fake and doing fake things to your body.

I am grateful I started getting migraines and ended their use after less than a year.  I never thought they belonged in my divine feminine body!

So now I found this book, The Pill: Are you sure it’s for you? By Jane Bennett & Alexandra Pope.  I am excited to read it… just waiting for it to come from Amazon. Someone finally put words into a book to warn women that the hormones created and sold to make their sex lives free and easy might just have a dark side (We are back to Elvira here!)

Check back for an update after I finish the book… don’t hold your breath waiting.  I finally started reading Harry Potter after all these years.  I am 1/4 through book 5.  The Pill  book will be on hold for a bit.  I am busy with magic!

Stay tuned for a Natural Birth Control post.  I think, when we celebrate our moon cycle, our uterine bleeding, and become in tune and energized by it, natural birth control and fertility awareness is a divine feminine way to care for our reproductive organs and cycle.  Wow, was that a mouthful!

Be well, love your body, love yourself for the divine female you are!

Red Tent Summit


My desire to start this blog was inspired by feminine energy and the Red Tent Summit: http://www.deannalam.com/summit-3/

Day one was Brook Medicine Eagle’s words of wisdom around female energy and the red tent, day 2 brought us Susun Weed’s wisdom….

I encourage you to sign up and catch the whole month’s worth of wise women from around the globe sharing their thoughts on life with a red tent in the neighborhood.

I plan to use this blog to share my thoughts and ideas, my wisdom and experience around issues important to women’s health care, real woman centered health care…. women caring for women in matriarchal ways.  As a woman with three decades of experience in women’s holistic health care, I wish to share my wise woman’s ways.  (See my About page.)

BC pills


natural birth control

sacred female energy



Libido or lack of as we age


natural menstrual products and care

herbs for every phase of our feminine energy


natural child birth


whole food feeding kids, self, and family



the list goes on & on…….. May your feminine energy flow and shine like the divine female you are!
