Moon School: May Day SALE to Empower Your Female Energy

bright blessings maiden

Jaine Rose Art, UK

How a girl crosses into Menarche casts a long shadow over her menstruating years… Make that shadow one of brilliant white light and joy!
How a woman crosses into her Mothering Years (whether she births children, art, great projects, creative endeavors, etc.) casts a shadow over her young and middle adult years… Females Be empowered to create in Joy!
How a woman crosses into Menopause, her Wise Woman Years, casts a shadow over her senior years. Empower our elders by reminding them of their amazing wisdom, strength, and need to be a sturdy voice in both their family & community.
At menarche a woman enters her power, Through menstruation she practices her power, At menopause she becomes her power.
                                                                              Native American Wisdom

Empowering Females to understand the:

  • magic in their menstrual cycles,
  • the power in their cyclic periods, and the
  • understanding in their uterus… the wisdom in their womb

is the gift I present to all females in the Moon School:  Female Moon Cycle Wisdom Training (Online Course)

MAY DAY SALE:  $50 Buck today!   This $50 buck sale was a big success to celebrate my 50th Birthday. Let us now celebrate May Day: Spring, dancing into Summer, and being a Fabulous Female. Online Course Starts May 6th… Join us and I promise you will be glad you did. I Promise! happy face

The More Females Who Re-Gather This Female Wisdom Into Themselves The Better A World We Can Re-Create & Heal!

Join Today, Encourage Your Family & Friends (Males Too!) to Join in the Energy to Heal Self and Our Earth by Re-Balancing Female & Male Energy. It is your gift to yourself and to the Greater Good!  Blessings, Paula

woman holding globe

Period Power, Menstrual Magic, Womb Wisdom!

Jaine Rose Sister Moon

Women’s power rests in our ability to create. We create when we conceive and birth children. This same amazing energy gives us the ability to create ideas and birth them to fruition.

Women hold this feminine creative power (intuition, creativity, wisdom) in their menstrual / period cycle. The wisdom of our heads and our lives are mirrored in our womb; the wisdom of our womb is mirrored in our heads. It is a menstrual magic thing!

Learning (re-learning, as this wisdom was always a part of female’s heritage) the wisdom around our monthly menstrual cycle is very empowering. We can harness the specific creative power of where we are in our menstrual cycle to enhance our daily and monthly “tasks” and to plan self-care. Healing the female you are is enhanced when this Moon Cycle Wisdom is re-learned.

The concept of living from the space of your menstrual cycle is ancient. Women are primarily cyclical beings. (Men are primarily linear beings. There is a balance in both genders… it is the Yin/Yang thing, the hot/cold, wet/dry, light/dark thing. Nature IS balanced, when left to her own graces, in everything.) Women gathered in moon lodges and shared the beauty and power of being female. I invite you to re-learn this wisdom as part of your personal healing path.

Join me for the Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training and reawaken your wisdom. You will heal in your heart, your spirit, and your mind-body. I promise you that you will be glad you did!

Learn more about this course, click here:

Fabulous 50 Scholarships 

On Thursday, April 16th, I will turn 50 years old! To celebrate my wisdom and gratitude for 50 fabulous years on this healing path I am giving 5 scholarships to my Female ♀ Moon Cycle Wisdom Training course for 50 bucks. This is to celebrate the 5 decades of my life. I am throwing in scholarship # 6 for 50 bucks to celebrate the 6th decade I am walking into.

Join me in this course, sign up on April 16th for the scholarship tuition of $50!   BUY HEALING COURSE NOW 

UPDATE: Course Tuition Held at $50 Bucks for 2015 Only!

Harmonizing Nature

So often I hear people say: “I need to get out in nature more.  I know I will feel better if I do.”

I have to remind you… you ARE nature.  You can never be away from nature because nature is you.

One thing women can do to harmonize their menstrual cycles:  get more outdoor time, more time under the moon. Sun & Moon light harmonize the body. The moon pulls on the ebb and flow of the tide, menstrual cycles, life!

full moon


The cycles of life are amazing.  When we live in tune with the cycles, in rhythm with nature (remember we are nature), everything harmonizes.

The below poster was a gift from a dear friend.  The words on the bottom are a powerful message.


Using the below books will help you harmonize with your body’s cycle of fertility, a powerful gift to yourself.  As women we need to return to the power of our periods, our feminine selves, and discard the patriarchal induced notion that periods are a “curse.”

Keeping track of your moon cycle is fun on this chart, a chart that another dear friend gave me, years ago. (I try to surround myself with amazing women!)  The poster was meant for 1 year’s use.  I changed the color of my marker, each year for 5 years, and turned it into a multi-year moon calendar.

I am looking for one like it, to recommend to you.  I will give you more awesome options, below, as this one does not seem to be available anymore.

Post note on June 29th, thank you Kaitlin for finding this poster on Amazon, brilliant!


With much research and asking Menstrual Magic and Fertility Educators in Ireland, England, and Germany… I can not find the above moon cycle chart. Bummer, as it is a great space to track:

  • dates of flow
  • type of flow: heavy, medium, light
  • how your body, mind, and spirit feels coming into your moon flow, with the moon flow, and after your moon flow
  • charting the same information coming into, during, and after ovulation

And the information is there for years to come!  I used it to keep track of the menstrual migraines that crept into my life at about 40 years of age.

Note:  If anyone finds this beautiful chart, please let me know at  Thanks!

But, alas, my friends… I have other wonderful moon cycle charts to offer:  This beauty, below, can be viewed and purchased here and has a fine video explaining how to use it. Compliments of Lucy Pearce: artist,creative mentor, teacher of transformational women’s workshops, and so much more… check her out!

Moon Dial

Check out Lucy Pearce’s Moon Time Chart: Her Integrated Moon Chart combines the biological and spiritual aspects of your cycle to give you a deeper understanding of your own rhythms, so that you can find balance within yourself. Very helpful to use this with the above Moon Dial.

This moon calendar is available to keep track of where the moon is in her cycle to relate the moon phase to where you are in your menstrual cycle:

Moon Calendars 2014 - Click Image to Close

Use the above moon calendar with Moon Times ® Cycle Charting Journal  (picture below).  The work of Rachael Hertogs, a woman’s menstrual health educator and so much more!

Moon Times ® Cycle Charting Journal

Your Moon cycle is a beautiful process, nurture it with love!

Sending light & love!  Paula

PS  If you have daughters, granddaughters, nieces, etc., guide them in the beauty of their moon cycle.  Creating this positive mindset around the beauty of their bodies and the cycle of their reproductive health will create a balance and peace many women of my generation did not consciously know. Let’s make change around this!  Cheer!

Female? Get 20% off great feminine books!

Female?  Got Daughters? Granddaughters?

These books are a Goddess send to your divine feminine being, your daughter’s, your granddaughter’s.  Get them as a gift. Females can grow up and grow old knowing the sacredness of their feminine cycles.

Take advantage of this offer to get 20% off great feminine books!

Happy May Day


A day to celebrate fertility, and the Earth coming into bloom once more.

To celebrate there’s 20% off all my books – paperback and e-books – today only from The Happy Womb – all books come signed and with a bookmark!

Use code mayday20 at the shopping cart.