Why You Should Use Organic Menstrual Care Products


Females: Know what you are putting in and on your body. The mucous membranes of the vaginal area are very sensitive and blood rich tissue. This means the blood circulation in this area pulls toxins into your blood stream easily.

Consider using organically grown cotton made pads and tampons, organic cotton reusable pads, sea sponge tampons, moon cup /menstrual cups. I will post sites to learn and possibly purchase from below.


I LOVE my Luna Pad, organic, no dye, reusable pads. It is so easy to remove the top layer liner pad and replace it before you soak through. Which you won’t soak through with Luna pads as they have a soak proof barrier!

Article to read on Roundup toxic pesticide in your menstrual care products:


Products that are clean, chemical free, and most are reusable to prevent more garbage pile up in the world:

  1. Reusable pads and tampons: http://gladrags.com/product/240/Jade-%26-Pearl-Sea-Sponge-2-Pack.html
  2. Reusable pads and tampons: http://www.moontimes.co.uk/
  3. Reusable pads and tampons: http://lunapads.com/
  4. Reusable pads and tampons: http://gladrags.com/
  5. Just one brand of menstrual cup: http://divacup.com/
  6. Sea Sponge reusable tampons: http://gladrags.com/product/240/Jade-%26-Pearl-Sea-Sponge-2-Pack.html
  7. Disposable organic pads & tampons (great for travel when carrying reusable used menstrual pads is not convenient): http://www.natracare.com/products/


What is a menstrual cup? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_cup

Awesome book on natural menstruation and feminine energy; much healing information from many wise women (AND all of the book $$$ goes to supply women in 3rd world countries with safe menstrual care products, how cool is that!?)

eaf77-lilmgxqouennno1w-y10mzn9lbgbngujpxvsj62o9bmrdikccwxyentmporng_oq7yxsffzplpt6i6a3-ghu5n-mpp1ehh-eshvrjlvldkz-c8e3ggaymhpudvk83ylojk4wd_kdbijvt0jdxs4qnzafgrj6_qdro4jzxmrn95gmurm9hwneyohps0-d-e1-f      Check this book out and buy now You will be glad you did… share with all your female friends until the page edges are tattered and torn with love and wisdom sharing!

Want to learn more about your beautiful female self and your connected-ness to the moon and all life?

♀ MOON SCHOOL: An 8 week eCourse for all females no matter where you are in your life cycle. Relearning the beauty of female ways from menarche to Wise Woman Menopausal years. A beautiful way to reclaim your life force power and wisdom as a female.  Click here for more information.

Love & Light to you as we care for self, others, and the planet as a whole living being, Paula

woman hands plant ecology

Glad Rags

OK, so I confess, I use organic but disposable menstrual pads.  Yup, I am adding to the garbage pile of the world.

Now, in my defense, most of the time I use the Keeper Cup, day & night, no pads at all.

THE KEEPER® Gum Rubber Menstrual Cup

So today, I sucked it up and ordered the Glad Rag Cloth Pad Sampler Kit in organic, un-dyed cotton. I was going to order the deluxe kit but decided to slide into this change with a less expensive option.  What IF I do not like these things? AND, because I mostly use my beloved Keeper, I did not figure I would need so many cloth pads.

Now, I am looking forward to:

  • their arrival
  • my next period

And, wondering why I did not just cave and purchase some years ago.  I have had my keeper for 15 1/2 years.  It’s not like the sustainable mentality was not part of my life?  Lazy perhaps?  I was in the heat of pregnancy #1, knowing I would be washing cloth diapers for years.  Perhaps I did not want one more thing to have to wash!

I will keep you posted:

  • when they arrive… Yippee!
  • what I think of them
  • if I recommend them whole-heartedly

By the way, I went with Glad Rags over the Luna Pads because the Luna Pads have a PUL lining.  I thought this was yucky and preferred the breathable option of 100% pure, organic cotton that was not dyed.  I know, dyed would be colorful and more fun. But, hey, who is going to be looking in my underwear at my cloth pads? happy face


Product Image

I also looked up this PUL stuff*.  It can be eco-friendly and if so, is breathable.  I contacted Luna Pads to ask them about this.  I will let you know this info as well. Perhaps I will end up with Luna’s starter kit as well (organic, un-dyed cotton please).

Update: PUL info sent to me by Luna: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyurethane_laminate

Happy Moon Mysteries!  Paula

*The PUL information is from a diaper website.  I do not know that Luna uses this same “eco-friendly” version of PUL. But, with the sustainable philosophy of re-usable menstrual pads… I would assume that eco-friendly PUL would be part of their plan!