Top 10 Reasons I Am Glad My Kids Go To Little River Community School

little river apple cider pressing

Yup, This IS A Wise Woman Mom Thing!

I am not one to brag about my kids. In fact their accomplishments get a hug and an “I am so proud of you, happy you picked me to be your Mom, keep up the good working being you.” Sometimes I mention their accomplishments to Gramma & Grampa, Aunt Ginny & Aunt Terry… but that is about as far as it goes.

This past weekend, I heard several times (as my kids were volunteering for the Local Living Festival) that my kids were kind, respectful, considerate, helpful… adults told me they were going to adopt a child in part because of their time spent with my kids and wanting to give love and guidance to another child, and then this AM as I dropped my kids at Little River Community School (yes, I know this is a run on sentence) another Mom told me how her son spoke highly of Eli (my youngest son) every day: how Eli protects him, sticks up for him, helps him, etc.

jake's 15th    mom and boys

Keep in mind, I live with these boys. I see them in their darkest moments and wonder if I will survive Mom-hood with my sanity intact. I question, at challenging moments: “where DID I go wrong.” To hear good things about one’s kids, when they are out and about in the world and free to make decisions based upon who they inherently are, makes a parent’s heart sing. “Oh MY… I (we) may have done something right!”

I know it takes a community to raise a kid and I am forever grateful to Gramma & Grampa, my sisters, their Dad’s family, dear friends who role model awesome human characteristics, people they meet on the street, their friends, and even people who bring negative characteristics into their lives. I love teachable moments! “Why is it you should not behave like this, treat others like this, etc.” are amazing tools in parenting kids who will hopefully go out into the world and spread good energy and love to all their connections.

OK, so for the Little River Community School part of my parenting gratitude. Kids spend a big portion of their growing up years in their school setting. This time spent at school is a shaper of who they are.

Top 10 Reasons I Am Glad My Kids Go To Little River Community School: (keep in mind I have 2 sons)

  1. They walk up the hill to school to great friends with hugs and words such as: “Hey Aj, I am sooooo glad you are my friend.”
  2. Their awesome teachers randomly dole out hugs as part of the school day.
  3. My kids still hug, kiss, and say I Love You Mom loudly and clearly in front of people in public. This has not been bullied, shamed, or embarrassed out of them in public school.
  4. They are nurtured for who they are and what they need to learn to grow themselves into the best they can be (to the very best of the school’s ability combined with volunteer community teachers and ongoing support with parental choices).
  5. Small class size (8-10 students to 1 teacher!) and amazing hands on teacher support.
  6. It is a community school (see volunteer community teacher comment above). Students from local colleges come to share their passion for music, movement, building, education, you name it with Little River’s students. “Experts” in the community come into volunteer share great stuff with the students: drumming, dance, tae kwon do, carpentry, building, Project Adventure Team Building Skills, Aeronautical stuff (I forget the technical name of this class that Rob Klein, formerly of Norwood, NY, taught with the older students interested in planes and helicopters), yoga, stress reduction techniques, wood stacking, and the list goes on & on of practical life skills my kids (our kids) are being exposed to and learning at Little River Community School.
  7. High School students must do 50 hours of community service every year. This has exposed my kids to: helping & teaching young students their tae kwon do, shoveling neighbors out of the snow, stacking woods for family – friends – neighbors, tech help with neighbor’s computers, volunteering for the Local Living Venture, offering love to the animals at the Potsdam Animal Shelter… I know there is more but my mind is not recalling all.
  8. Opportunities to put on events for the community: Latin Dance Party in Potsdam, NY which has become an annual event.
  9. Small group camping and hiking trips to continue exposing them to the great outdoors. Trust me, someone helping me with this one in the age of kids and tech is a true Mom blessing.
  10. A holistic approach to kids, education, and life on this planet.
  11. Teaching to the kids not teaching to a test. I think this speaks again of #4 above.
  12. Outdoor play time and class time!  Little River students get a morning and a lunch break that includes plenty of outdoor play time (and it is encouraged). This means fresh air, sunshine, and body movement not just sitting at a desk all day. Courses are scheduled with outside teaching & learning time in mind based upon the seasons of the year.

Oh yeah, I said 10 top reasons… truly, there are so many more. My heart gives a deep thanks to the people who have reminded me that my kids go out in the world and shine, giving their best so others can be their best as well. As a Mom, I cannot ask for more.

No matter where kids go to school: public, private, community, home schooled, etc. , they deserve to be loved, nurtured, and supported to become who they are meant to be.


Jake and Eli on top of Cascade & Porter Mountains, ADK High Peaks.boys on Porter MtBoys on cascade mt

Moon School: May Day SALE to Empower Your Female Energy

bright blessings maiden

Jaine Rose Art, UK

How a girl crosses into Menarche casts a long shadow over her menstruating years… Make that shadow one of brilliant white light and joy!
How a woman crosses into her Mothering Years (whether she births children, art, great projects, creative endeavors, etc.) casts a shadow over her young and middle adult years… Females Be empowered to create in Joy!
How a woman crosses into Menopause, her Wise Woman Years, casts a shadow over her senior years. Empower our elders by reminding them of their amazing wisdom, strength, and need to be a sturdy voice in both their family & community.
At menarche a woman enters her power, Through menstruation she practices her power, At menopause she becomes her power.
                                                                              Native American Wisdom

Empowering Females to understand the:

  • magic in their menstrual cycles,
  • the power in their cyclic periods, and the
  • understanding in their uterus… the wisdom in their womb

is the gift I present to all females in the Moon School:  Female Moon Cycle Wisdom Training (Online Course)

MAY DAY SALE:  $50 Buck today!   This $50 buck sale was a big success to celebrate my 50th Birthday. Let us now celebrate May Day: Spring, dancing into Summer, and being a Fabulous Female. Online Course Starts May 6th… Join us and I promise you will be glad you did. I Promise! happy face

The More Females Who Re-Gather This Female Wisdom Into Themselves The Better A World We Can Re-Create & Heal!

Join Today, Encourage Your Family & Friends (Males Too!) to Join in the Energy to Heal Self and Our Earth by Re-Balancing Female & Male Energy. It is your gift to yourself and to the Greater Good!  Blessings, Paula

woman holding globe

Massive Sale on Resources for Mothers

I credit this information to Lucy Pearce of Dreaming Aloud

Today I have two bargain resources for mamas to share with you – both on limited time sale offers…

First up, you may remember a few months ago I told you that I’d contributed the e-version of my book, Moods of Motherhood, to a very special resource -the New Mama Welcome pack.

Delivered over three months direct to their inbox, the New Mama’s Welcome Pack is bursting with supportive and uplifting digital goodies – e-books, audios – words from the heart full of love, experience, information and support – all designed to help a new mama make the most of this precious and exhausting time.

The pack is currently 90% off  – just £29 – (that’s about $48) on resources worth £290.

The sale runs from TUESDAY 30th SEPTEMBER @ 2pm GMT and CLOSE on FRIDAY 3rd OCTOBER @ 2pm GMT.

Read more here:

Cheers to all Moms and women who support Moms!

Getting Sexy, Being Sexy

OK, so I thought about these things after writing the post on Life’s Seasons  (my shifting body composition) and watching the movie “The Other Woman” starring Cameron Diaz.

The movie was a good laugh! It also made me think seriously about the gender bias in our culture, our world. (Not that I haven’t thought about these issues before. The movie just got my over active brain rolling!)

How many men do these things to Get Sexy, Be Sexy and attract women partners?

  1. shave legs and arm pits
  2. wax bikini line
  3. color hair
  4. pluck eye brows
  5. plaster on makeup
  6. blow dry and curl / straighten their hair after they have plastered on hair products only to plaster on more after the heat treatments
  7. shave pubic hair into the Fig Leaf type covering
  8. plaster themselves with way too much perfume
  9. use spring fresh scented douche and vaginal sprays so the genital area smells, well, spring fresh. Seriously, how much spring fresh scented genital deodorant spray do you see men buying up and spraying their balls?
  10. Throw on 6 inch stiletto heels and prance around…

I have always had a hard time with these things, these primping actions. I have better things to do with my time. Why there are walks in the woods to take, yoga poses to do, mountains to climb, trees and plants to communicate with. Who has time for standing about fussing with hair, makeup, and the above mentioned things. Men don’t go to these lengths and there does not seem to be a shortage of sex in the western world.

So, I confess, I got a new do. I stood in the mirror with a brush and blow dryer. How DO women do what they do to their hair? My attempts to do the cute ‘lil straightening and flip out of the layers were a dismal failure. Wonder if my hair stylist could stop by every morning?  Lisa….????

When I am on my death-bed, I am certain I will not be lamenting the time I did not spend, could have spent, on getting sexy.

Now where did I put those hiking boots?

hiking tevas

Creating Back to School Flow… Ahh, Stress Free!

Ahh… ease into fall and the back to school flow whether you have kids, attend school yourself, or it is just the annual fall transition.

The return to school, fall schedules, can bring on a bit of stress.  Summer has its go with the flow, easy kind of existence. Easing back in to fall can be made simple and stress free by taking a few mindfulness steps.

1.    Remind yourself that fall, and the return to school, means a return to an organized, set schedule.  Knowing where you need to be, 5 days a week, can bring a level of comfort after the chaos of spontaneous, summer living. Revel in this return to harmony.

For more seasonal transitioning stress relievers click here!

PS  While on my biz blog page, sign up for my newsletter and get the 1st 15 pages of my healing book FREE!

Creating Back to School Flow… Ahh, Stress Free!

Ahh… ease into fall and the back to school flow whether you have kids, attend school yourself, or it is just the annual fall transition.

The return to school, fall schedules, can bring on a bit of stress.  Summer has its go with the flow, easy kind of existence. Easing back in to fall can be made simple and stress free by taking a few mindfulness steps.

1.    Remind yourself that fall, and the return to school, means a return to an organized, set schedule.  Knowing where you need to be, 5 days a week, can bring a level of comfort after the chaos of spontaneous, summer living. Revel in this return to harmony.

For more seasonal transitioning stress relievers click here!

PS  While on my biz blog page, sign up for my newsletter and get the 1st 15 pages of my healing book FREE!

Happy Birthing Day to ME!

As Mothers, Parents, we take the time to celebrate our Kid’s birthdays. This is a time to make them feel special, wanted in this world, and feel our own gratefulness for their presence in our lives.

My first son was born on July 29th. He made me a Mom (We, as women, are all Mothers with the ability to always Mother others, Mother all beings!).

mom and jake Snuggling my Jake!

I urge all Moms to celebrate each and every one of your Kid’s birthdays as your special day as well.  These are the days you birthed your babes; brought forth your creations into this world.

The birthday, birthing day, is a time of joy, a time to celebrate:

  • the divine process of fertilization and pregnancy (Hey, the divine menstrual cycle that brings forth our ability to create!),
  • the actual labor and birthing process, the whole bittersweet process,
  • the years of being a Mom and all that entails…,
  • your growth as a human being and the wisdom you have called home to your own being (It is so easy to “say” how we would be as a Mom, a Parent, and how Kids “should” be raised. This is a whole other experience when we are right in the heat of it all. Nothing like doing it to create our own wisdom! Being a mom has taught me to never give advice about something I have never actually done!),
  • the beautiful souls, your children, who walk this plane of existence with you; they have so much to teach us if we only pay attention and listen instead of thinking we, as parents, have all the answers,
  • the wisdom we become as we walk through life as Mom, with our Mother’s grace,
  • and gratitude for all our mom’s gave to us and taught us along their mothering path (even when we hear our mother coming out in our own words to our kids!).

Every year when my boy’s birthdays roll around, I show gratitude for their place by my side and all they have taught me about being me!

mom and boys

Jake, Eli, and Mom, 12 years ago… where does the time go?

jake's 15th

A few months back, I made an “oreo” cookie cake for Eli, my 12 year old’s birthday.  I reported about it in my blog post:  My Holistic Momma’s Dilemma. I used the Newman-Os as you see above. This cake was a big hit with my kids and is being repeated here, 3 months later, for Jake’s 15th.

Happy 15th Birthday Jake and Happy Birthing Day to Me!
