Honoring the Female Within

maid mom wild wise

Maiden                Maid-Mother           Enchantress           Wise Woman

Women go through phases of our female selves every month during the course of our moon cycle. The 10 lunar months of pregnancy go through the same Maiden (Spring), Maid (Summer), Enchantress (Autumn), and Wise Woman (Winter) energies. Females go through these phases on a larger scale as we live through our entire bleeding – menstrual years. On an even bigger scale, we women go through these phases from our birth to our death. Autumn has to be the notorious 40s!

pregnant silhouette

At 19 years of age, as a nursing student, I observed my first birth.

vaginal delivery

I was fascinated and in total awe of the whole process. When I began to think about it further, what brought this birthing moment to us, I was even more amazed at the miracle and magic that is brought forth by a female’s body. I am still amazed that a half cell, egg, can be fertilized by another half cell, sperm, and create a whole new human being. One cell goes on to form an entire embryo (each and every one of the different organ systems!), placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, and amniotic fluid. That is one very busy little cell!

       The Magical, Creative Uterus

The Magical, Creative Uterus

Sometimes that one cell does all of that busy work twice (identical twins) and even more rarely to form identical quadruplets or more!

This entire process has captivated me from that day in the birthing room when I was 19 years old. I never cease to be amazed at woman’s, human’s, creative capacity.

Over the course of a female’s lifetime she walks the earth as a maiden, a maid-mother, the wild woman enchantress, and finally the wise woman elder.

At menarche a woman enters her power,
Through menstruation she practices her power,
At menopause she becomes her power.
Native American Wisdom

Honor the divine feminine energy within through every phase of your cycle and life for the creative gift it is.

Want to “Re” – learn more about your beautiful female ways? Join Moon School, it is never too late to join or re-learn!  Hugs of love & light, Paula

Happy Birthing Day to ME!

As Mothers, Parents, we take the time to celebrate our Kid’s birthdays. This is a time to make them feel special, wanted in this world, and feel our own gratefulness for their presence in our lives.

My first son was born on July 29th. He made me a Mom (We, as women, are all Mothers with the ability to always Mother others, Mother all beings!).

mom and jake Snuggling my Jake!

I urge all Moms to celebrate each and every one of your Kid’s birthdays as your special day as well.  These are the days you birthed your babes; brought forth your creations into this world.

The birthday, birthing day, is a time of joy, a time to celebrate:

  • the divine process of fertilization and pregnancy (Hey, the divine menstrual cycle that brings forth our ability to create!),
  • the actual labor and birthing process, the whole bittersweet process,
  • the years of being a Mom and all that entails…,
  • your growth as a human being and the wisdom you have called home to your own being (It is so easy to “say” how we would be as a Mom, a Parent, and how Kids “should” be raised. This is a whole other experience when we are right in the heat of it all. Nothing like doing it to create our own wisdom! Being a mom has taught me to never give advice about something I have never actually done!),
  • the beautiful souls, your children, who walk this plane of existence with you; they have so much to teach us if we only pay attention and listen instead of thinking we, as parents, have all the answers,
  • the wisdom we become as we walk through life as Mom, with our Mother’s grace,
  • and gratitude for all our mom’s gave to us and taught us along their mothering path (even when we hear our mother coming out in our own words to our kids!).

Every year when my boy’s birthdays roll around, I show gratitude for their place by my side and all they have taught me about being me!

mom and boys

Jake, Eli, and Mom, 12 years ago… where does the time go?

jake's 15th

A few months back, I made an “oreo” cookie cake for Eli, my 12 year old’s birthday.  I reported about it in my blog post:  My Holistic Momma’s Dilemma. I used the Newman-Os as you see above. This cake was a big hit with my kids and is being repeated here, 3 months later, for Jake’s 15th.

Happy 15th Birthday Jake and Happy Birthing Day to Me!
