Cozying Up to the Collective Soul


forest Scene

Over the couse of my lifetime I had been taught to look to a higher power for strength; pray to God for needs. This cultural teaching puts some unknown power at the center of everything: this all knowing, all powerful, male figure.

Intuitively, I always knew there was something that just was not right with this. As a kid, we trust and believe the adults around us know more than we do.

I have always been enamoured with the natural world and could feel its amazing power and energy. Everything living and things we think of as inanimate (soil, rocks, water, mountains)  are infused with amazing, vibrational energy.  There is universal wisdom, waiting to teach and share with you, in everything.

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As I grew over the years and decades of my life, I have come back to what we intuitively know as humans: the divine lies within each of us and within everything. Spirit, life force energy, the Collective Soul is a part of every being and every thing on this planet including the planet as a whole.

When we honor the divine in everyone and everything, Namaste-Blessed Be-Mitakuye Oyasin, we live life from a space of gentle peacefulness, wonder, and gratitude for everything.

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Wise Woman Nurse®  yoga

I invite you to see and feel this divine energy within yourself. You are part of the divine energy of the universe: the Collective Soul, the Cosmic Spirit.  Embrace this, truly and deeply embrace this, and feel the transfomation in how you just Be.

soil plant hands

One thought on “Cozying Up to the Collective Soul

  1. Cozying Up to the Collective Soul – WholeFood KitchenHealer

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